A TV character once said - I think it was on Ally McBeal - that if reflecting on the past year doesn't make you cry either tears of sadness or tears of joy, then it has been a waste. I can honestly say, based on that criteria, that 2008 was anything but wasted! I figured I'd do a quick year-in-review post. This is mostly for my own need to look back, but read on if you care to.

February: I turned 29. To be specific, I turned 29 sitting in the waiting room at the ER with an IV lock in my arm, awaiting the results of the blood test that would tell me if I did indeed have a post-op abscess. Luckily, I did not. I did, however, have 2 other breastfeeding-related infections which required 3 kinds of antibiotics. My parents and grandmother came to visit, so Gooey could meet his first grandchild and Nana could meet her first great-grandchild. Later in the month, Francis, Norah and I packed for our first family trip - a ski weekend at Mont Tremblant with Francis' parents, his brother, his sister and her husband and baby. Looking back I must have been CRAZY to agree to go away for a weekend with a 3 week old baby, but I'm glad I did.
March: We spent March Break in Halifax, introducing Norah to my family. She was 6 weeks old when we first took her on a plane - I was 14 the first time I flew! Norah was baptised on March 30th - Divine Mercy Sunday. We had wanted her baptised as soon as possible after she was born, but the new pastor at our parish doesn't allow baptisms during Lent. It was suggested we go elsewhere, but after working at that parish, at that particular Mass, for 4 years, it meant a lot to us to have our beloved community be witnesses to such an important moment in our daughter's life. My sister, Jenna, and my brother-in-law, Damian, are Norah's godparents.
April & May: Drawing a total blank here... I honestly can't remember anything newsworthy from these two months - which likely means I'm over-looking something significant. *Sigh* My brain is not what it used to be.

July: We spent a day in Barry's Bay celebrating Jenna's birthday and Norah's half-birthday. It was wonderful to see my sister in her own home as a married woman!

September: On one spectacular day near the end of the month, we found out two big pieces of news: we were expecting baby #2, AND our offer had been accepted and we were soon to be home-owners!
October: We took posession of our new house on October 17th. I figure having a mortgage was the final piece in the "grown-up" puzzle. We did some preliminary moving and painting for the next couple of weekends, thanks to the help of Francis' family and some good friends.
November: We finally made the big move to living in the new house full-time. Emptying out the old rental place was a big pain in the butt. We did a LOT of purging - many bags of garbage/recycling, bags of things to give to SVdP, and a lot of bigger items that we gave/sold to some friends. And yet, when we started unpacking at the new house, we realized we still have too much stuff! I think more purging will be among our new year's resolutions...

So it's been a wild and wonderful year for the Kwok family. Parts of it were hard, but that's how life is, so we've chosen to learn and grow from the challenges, rather than whine about them.
We're looking forward to even more fun and excitement in 2009 when we welcome two new nieces and/or nephews, at least one more first-cousin-once-removed, and of course our own new bundle of joy!
What a great idea for a blog post. I enjoyed catching up on the year and your family. The family shot at the end is beautiful and Norah is a wonderful mix of both of you. Dave is back to work today and we are swinging into the rhythm of a new year - may it be blessed. Perhaps I'll write a smilar post. Can I steal the idea? (Oh no, the word verification is taking!)
Wow, it's so inspiring that you've thought of something to be grateful for for each month of the year. I never thought of doing that. We tend to take everything as a big whole, maybe missing the individual events that create the big picture, but you've taken the time to look closer. Hmmm, it's still early enough in the year for me to reflect in my mind on the months of last year...
Thanks for the encouragement you've been giving about breastfeeding. The problem isn't solved, but it's stable and even improving (I think/hope). It's just such a menace, so hard to get rid of, but we do our best. My midwife suggested a "deadline," suggesting that maybe I could formula-feed, but that just isn't an option for me. No way I'd give up, especially not now after enduring all the rest. I LOVE to nurse!! Reading your post about your own BF problems really encouraged me a lot. You had months of difficulties and still managed; I'm going to do the same. It must have been an emotional thing to wean your firstborn!
I'm praying for your new baby to have a happy and safe birth!
翌日は福岡で昼食を済ませてから、久留米に移動です。 そうです、翌日は久留米調査でした。(笑) こうして、お時間が来たので、バイバイとなります。 台北キャバクラLU CHU-RU-LU-LU・・・♪」 女の子は風呂場でチ ギャル(辣妹) 台湾エッチ体験 制服店(セクシークラブ)台湾通貨 台湾・台北旅行・ツアー(遊)・、楽しめないですが、観光客などの台湾初心者には、オススメだと思います。調べをしていると、デリの、たが
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